Phone systems and the Australian NBN: A case of buyer beware

I had a customer call me today asking if they needed a new phone system as he was told this was the case due to the National Broadband Network (NBN). With fibre optics being run throughout the south side of Brisbane CBD and Telstra’s proposed FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) network, we must ask ourselves if this is a clever sales pitch or do customers really need to change their phone systems? So far it looks like they don’t need to replace their phone system but it may be time to start considering what upgrades could be made to your current phone system with changes in phone system technology such as VoIP. I may be wrong but it reminds me of the sales pitches from the Y2K era where half the people updated their technology out of fear that their phone systems or computers would not display the correct date or become obsolete because we were changing into a new century. Alarmingly, many major service providers will begin pushing contracted sales teams and targeted advertisements into areas of Brisbane as the NBN expands.

To avoid falling victim to the hype and purchasing a new phone system or switching providers ensure that you do your own independent research (get several quotes for a phone system at least) and be aware of scare tactics and sales pitches.


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